Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Holy Snow Batman!

Holy Snow is right! In the last few days we've had a ton of snow here in Duluth and everyone is just glowing with the novelty of it. Not only is it the first big snow we've had this season, but everyone still remembers waiting so long for such a big snow that I don't think that there is a single person complaining that it is here. They even closed down campus and the bus system at 5 pm this evening. THAT'S how much snow we've got! Pictures of the fabulous white stuff soon to come.
I also taught my first snowboard lesson of the year this past weekend and almost didn't get home because the roads were so bad. I have learned that the little grocerie getter is getting old and is not so hot on driving around in the snow. Since I will always have to live where there is snow and lots of it, I think it is perhaps time to give the old girl up in search of something with all weel drive and sacrifice my decent gas milage in there too. :-(
It really does amaze me though as to how many people do not shovel their sidewalks. I know that it is a city ordinance saying that you have to, but still people don't do it. I walked home from class today in the midst of this huge snowstorm and there are still areas where people haven't shoveled the sidewalks from the last one. I ended up walking on the road most of the way home which is a sketchy business on days like this let me tell you! If you think skidding cars and trucks are scary while you're in one, try having it happen while you're a pedestrian! Yikes! So, for those of you who don't shovel, help a walker out and do it!
The semester is almost over and I seriously can't believe that I am that much closer to graduating from college. About time right? I don't think so. I've learned a lot in all my undergraduate years and I wouldn't trade any of them to have been out working by now because they all had good lessons to be learned in each of them as well as good people to be met. On that note, I'm going to sleep because I am still recovering from a cold and I have a lot on my plate this week.

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