Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back in Duluth

So, I'm back in Duluth and back in school. Working two jobs and being in school full time is a great reminder to oneself about how much flexibility is not really an option in times like these. There have been other times in my life when I have totally been this busy, but I do believe it has been a while. I have to say although backpacking in western North Dakota gave me a new appreciation for the plains and grasslands in this country, I still don't like driving through them. They are dull and completely unimpressive to this midwestern, northwoods girl. The end.
Hawk Ridge has been just wonderful and the staff this year are quite fantastic if I do say so myself. Here's a cudos heading your way Debbie Waters! I am also liking most of my classes. Now that things are getting started, I am starting to get into the "grove" again and starting to at least feel educated in some of the subjects. So far biology is my fave, but that's just because I get a kick out of learning about how things work and why they are the way they are. I always liked biology.
Other than that, I'm still not moved back in to my room and the first thought I had when I actually looked at what was in my room was, "What the hell do I have all this shit for!?" I don't think there is an answer to that question, but here's hoping that by the end of the month, that "shit" will be long gone. Here's hoping at least.
My good friend Aaron Mertes was up from N. Carolina this week and the old roomie gang had dinner at our place and went out for some brews. It was a great time and I am really thankful that I had the opportunity to spend the time tonight with him. Thanks Mertes!
Well, bio lecture waits for no one and it will not wait for me tomorrow so to bed go I. Dream sweetly my friends!

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