Merry Christmas! I have to say that it was a wonderful time for me and a nice break as well. However, on the drive home, it was not so nice. I knew that there was a storm of a mix of snow, ice and everything inbetween was heading for the midwest. So, on the 22nd, I asked my wonderful boss if I could miss the next day of work in order to miss the storm coming in and thus get trapped in Duluth over christmas. She gracefully consented to allow me to leave Saturday night. All seemed well until I hit Osseo, Wisconsin when the snow started to come down in full force. From that point on, I did not travel over 40 mph on I-94 until I got home to Sauk City. So, what normally takes a maximum of 5 hours to drive home, took me 7 1/2 hours! My family had waited up for me to get home bless their hearts. And I did arrive home safely and without incident thank goodness.
The next day, Sarah had to go to work at the local ski hill. I slept in and what a glorious sleep it was. I needed it for I somehow have caught a cold and a nasty one at that. But I tried to not allow it to dampen my Christmas spirit. When Sarah got home, we trimmed the tree as a family, ate an impromptu meal of bbq ribs, sliced cheese, hummus, veggies, and Christmas in a Cup (for those of you unfamiliar with this wonderful delight, it is godiva hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps). After dinner, we proceeded to the tree and unwrapped some gifts from each other. I always love that part because I love watching people unwrap things and the energy you feel when they open up their surprise.
There were many lovely gifts of needed items, hand-made items, and eatable items given all around and all of which were greeted with gasps of pleasure. I for one am glad of the collapsable shovel for my car, snowboard helmet, socks, and bath salts. Thanks you guys!
Then we all drove up to Grandma and Grandpa's house in Appleton to have our tradditional Christmas Eve festivities. I was less than chipper even though I had taken a nap earlier. I was still suffering from the cold which I suspect was giving me a fever. So, there was no alcohol consumption for me and I generally kept to myself which again, is unusual. I had a good time, though I was glad to get back to Aunt Suzie and Uncle Dave's to go to sleep. I slept almost the whole night through which was great. I definately needed it.
So Christmas day was met with an amazing omlete at Suzie and Dave's and then Sarah and I drove back over to Grandma and Grandpa's for some additional gift unwrapping and of course Christmas Dinner. Now I digress in saying that typically this time of year is my favorite because of all the wonderful food and catching up with family. Not until Christmas Day did I actually desire to eat anything or actually feel hungry that's how sick I was. I always know I'm sick when I don't want to eat anything. So dinner was amazing as usual. Grandma always outdoes herself every year.
I was supposed to head back to Duluth today, however the weather was again going to be bad all along the route that I drive. I was not about to repeat the whole 40 mph situation again, so I again had to ask my amazing boss for an additional day off so that I could travel safely back. She consented. Just for the record, my boss in Duluth is fantastic and one of the most flexible and understanding bosses I have ever had in my life. Thank you so much Heidi Jo. So now I am safely sitting by the fireplace at my parent's house and writing a blog instead of driving white knuckled back to Duluth. Tomorrow I will be traveling and it looks to be a great day for it all across Wisconsin and Minnesota. I am not sure if I will write another entry before the new year, but in case I don't, have a fabulous New Year!
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