Saturday, December 29, 2007

Helmets Save Lives...

So, back in Duluth and teaching during the "holiday madness" which it is aptly named. As far as teaching goes for me, it was kind of a hit or miss day. I should preface this by saying yesterday was fine teaching, but I broke a toe ladder of my binding before lessons even started and then proceeded to lock my keys in my car later that day after I had gone to get the toe ladder replaced. Yesterday was not good for me personally. But today, I was hoping for a much better day. I had a three hour private with a 10 yr old boy from Texas who got to side slipping at the end of it all, doing it by himself and in control. Not bad, but I definately felt like a horrible teacher at the end of that one since I typically have my students almost linking turns at the end of an hour and a half lesson. The family was great and even gave me a $15 tip which I greatly appreciated.
I then had like 20 minutes for a lunch break before I had another private lesson. It was with a woman slightly older than me who was having some confidence issues about her turning. I had debated whether to go helmet or hat, and chose helmet because I really enjoy my new one. Thanks Mom and Dad! So, we were doing traverses across the green hill to start off. I was behind her and on my heel edge doing a traverse when I get taken out from behind! When me and this other person finally stop rolling, this 12 yr old boy and I untangle ourselves and I gave him the largest reprimand ever! His buddies were all around him and I too and all of their eyes were wide as saucers. I was so angry that this kid didn't even have the decency to at least FALL before he ran right into me and from behind no less! It was a battlefield out on the hill today to say the least. So, I am glad that I opted for the helmet option because it saved my head from some serious hurting tonight.
So yeah for helmets! I did get to go out and ride with a friend of mine that is working too. He called me randomly while I was in Utah this summer, and we've stayed in contact. So we rode after work and after attempting-and failing with some pain and snow- to do a battleship box and three jumps in the park, I decided that my body couldn't take too much more abuse tonight. So we came back to ski school and shared a pitcher of moosedrool. Yum! Then I went over to my boss's house for a marvelous dinner of grilled salmon, ranch mashed potatoes, and garlic bread. It was a good end to a fairly good day. Only, I know that I will be sore tomorrow because falling off that box knocked the wind out of me pretty good tonight and my body is sore now. Here's hoping some early morning yoga will work out the kinks.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Fires are Lovely

Merry Christmas! I have to say that it was a wonderful time for me and a nice break as well. However, on the drive home, it was not so nice. I knew that there was a storm of a mix of snow, ice and everything inbetween was heading for the midwest. So, on the 22nd, I asked my wonderful boss if I could miss the next day of work in order to miss the storm coming in and thus get trapped in Duluth over christmas. She gracefully consented to allow me to leave Saturday night. All seemed well until I hit Osseo, Wisconsin when the snow started to come down in full force. From that point on, I did not travel over 40 mph on I-94 until I got home to Sauk City. So, what normally takes a maximum of 5 hours to drive home, took me 7 1/2 hours! My family had waited up for me to get home bless their hearts. And I did arrive home safely and without incident thank goodness.
The next day, Sarah had to go to work at the local ski hill. I slept in and what a glorious sleep it was. I needed it for I somehow have caught a cold and a nasty one at that. But I tried to not allow it to dampen my Christmas spirit. When Sarah got home, we trimmed the tree as a family, ate an impromptu meal of bbq ribs, sliced cheese, hummus, veggies, and Christmas in a Cup (for those of you unfamiliar with this wonderful delight, it is godiva hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps). After dinner, we proceeded to the tree and unwrapped some gifts from each other. I always love that part because I love watching people unwrap things and the energy you feel when they open up their surprise.
There were many lovely gifts of needed items, hand-made items, and eatable items given all around and all of which were greeted with gasps of pleasure. I for one am glad of the collapsable shovel for my car, snowboard helmet, socks, and bath salts. Thanks you guys!
Then we all drove up to Grandma and Grandpa's house in Appleton to have our tradditional Christmas Eve festivities. I was less than chipper even though I had taken a nap earlier. I was still suffering from the cold which I suspect was giving me a fever. So, there was no alcohol consumption for me and I generally kept to myself which again, is unusual. I had a good time, though I was glad to get back to Aunt Suzie and Uncle Dave's to go to sleep. I slept almost the whole night through which was great. I definately needed it.
So Christmas day was met with an amazing omlete at Suzie and Dave's and then Sarah and I drove back over to Grandma and Grandpa's for some additional gift unwrapping and of course Christmas Dinner. Now I digress in saying that typically this time of year is my favorite because of all the wonderful food and catching up with family. Not until Christmas Day did I actually desire to eat anything or actually feel hungry that's how sick I was. I always know I'm sick when I don't want to eat anything. So dinner was amazing as usual. Grandma always outdoes herself every year.
I was supposed to head back to Duluth today, however the weather was again going to be bad all along the route that I drive. I was not about to repeat the whole 40 mph situation again, so I again had to ask my amazing boss for an additional day off so that I could travel safely back. She consented. Just for the record, my boss in Duluth is fantastic and one of the most flexible and understanding bosses I have ever had in my life. Thank you so much Heidi Jo. So now I am safely sitting by the fireplace at my parent's house and writing a blog instead of driving white knuckled back to Duluth. Tomorrow I will be traveling and it looks to be a great day for it all across Wisconsin and Minnesota. I am not sure if I will write another entry before the new year, but in case I don't, have a fabulous New Year!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Holy Snow Batman!

Holy Snow is right! In the last few days we've had a ton of snow here in Duluth and everyone is just glowing with the novelty of it. Not only is it the first big snow we've had this season, but everyone still remembers waiting so long for such a big snow that I don't think that there is a single person complaining that it is here. They even closed down campus and the bus system at 5 pm this evening. THAT'S how much snow we've got! Pictures of the fabulous white stuff soon to come.
I also taught my first snowboard lesson of the year this past weekend and almost didn't get home because the roads were so bad. I have learned that the little grocerie getter is getting old and is not so hot on driving around in the snow. Since I will always have to live where there is snow and lots of it, I think it is perhaps time to give the old girl up in search of something with all weel drive and sacrifice my decent gas milage in there too. :-(
It really does amaze me though as to how many people do not shovel their sidewalks. I know that it is a city ordinance saying that you have to, but still people don't do it. I walked home from class today in the midst of this huge snowstorm and there are still areas where people haven't shoveled the sidewalks from the last one. I ended up walking on the road most of the way home which is a sketchy business on days like this let me tell you! If you think skidding cars and trucks are scary while you're in one, try having it happen while you're a pedestrian! Yikes! So, for those of you who don't shovel, help a walker out and do it!
The semester is almost over and I seriously can't believe that I am that much closer to graduating from college. About time right? I don't think so. I've learned a lot in all my undergraduate years and I wouldn't trade any of them to have been out working by now because they all had good lessons to be learned in each of them as well as good people to be met. On that note, I'm going to sleep because I am still recovering from a cold and I have a lot on my plate this week.