You probably are reading the title and are like "huh?" This cheesehead Wisconsin girl is going back to Wisconsin. I'm leaving Idaho for now, saying goodbye to the land of potatoes and cutthroat trout and going back to the dairy state. The only dairy state. California cheese and milk DO NOT taste the same as Wisconsin's and even Illinois' does.
Anyway, I got a job doing environmental education at a residential camp and retreat center only 30 minuntes from where I grew up. I'm stoked! I'll be moving back to the midwest right before christmas and then staying there until the end of May. After that, I don't know what will come, but I'll worry about it in April or something.
I have definately learned not to plan too far ahead of me after moving out here. Also I've learned to follow my instinct more and listen to what it's saying. The reason being that most of the time, it's right on about things and situations that will be good or negative. I say most of the time, because sometimes it doesn't do anything, but I figure that there was a lesson that I needed to learn if that happens and I try to learn from it.
So, now I have to figure out how to get my things back to Wisconsin and over 5 passes and the entire state of North Dakota without incident. Here's hoping it all goes well. It' might be another challenge. But, sleeping in Eleanor isn't so bad. In fact, it's quite nice and spacious for the most part. So, this will be my last entry from the potato state of Idaho. My time here was good, but I'm looking forward to moving onward to new things, or getting to know familiar things with new sight.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
How Deep and Wide the Rivers Run.
Everyone is different. Born of different parents in a different economic status than their neighbor. Different religions. Different cultural background. Different colored eyes, hair and skin. Everyone is different and unique.
Every leaf on a tree is different. Every river that runs from its' headwaters to the sea is different. Every hair on a moose hide is different. Everything in nature has its differences.
The phases of the moon change. The seasons change. Our hair changes color and lengths. The tides change. Even the amount of rain in one area from year to year changes. Everything in our lives change. If that is a universal truth, then riddle me this: why are humans afraid of change?
Nothing in our lives stays the same and if it does, we believe our lives to be stagnant and unmoving or unmotivated. But, when big, eppic changes occur, we freak out! Change can be scary it's true. It's the unfamiliar that haunts us. The "what if" scenarios that keep us unmoving like water with no where to go. With no outlet, water becomes unclean and full of algae until the algae kills off all the other things in the water and takes up all the space so much that it even kills itself off. Do we want our lives and our nation to become like a stagnant pond slowly choking the life out of itself? I have no desire to see that happen.
People who were born in the last two centuries have not seen war or conflict on United States soil. We've been attacked surely, and those were hard situations and tragic ones as well. But they were short lived and soon forgotten within the woes and materialistic values that we have come to thrive on. We are soft and spoiled as a country. More so those of us whose ancesters were born here and the voices telling stories of hardship and attrocities of man have faded beyond the whisper to silence. They are faces without tales and so a part of us is lost because we would not listen because we felt we did not have the time.
Selfish of us really. Such a large part of being human is knowing what it is to not be human. It is when we do not know or understand what a monster is that we fail to understand that humans have been and still can be the monster that makes small children afraid at night. They should not fear that which could harm them that is fantasy, they should fear that which is real and has a face that is not grotesque but looks just like everyone elses.
Everyone is different. Yes, that is true and not. Every human has a monster within. It breathes with us, eats with us, and sleeps with us. Beware the day that it wakes within you. Learn that monster within so you know how to keep it slumbering. We are all capable of great evil or great good. Pray that you stay different. Pray that you stay true to you and allow nothing to take hold of you. Different is good. Variety is good and keeps up healthy and strong. Change is good. Do not fear different or change, but be like a river that changes its course. It had to change and it is a force to be reckoned with because of the way it is constantly changing.
Every leaf on a tree is different. Every river that runs from its' headwaters to the sea is different. Every hair on a moose hide is different. Everything in nature has its differences.
The phases of the moon change. The seasons change. Our hair changes color and lengths. The tides change. Even the amount of rain in one area from year to year changes. Everything in our lives change. If that is a universal truth, then riddle me this: why are humans afraid of change?
Nothing in our lives stays the same and if it does, we believe our lives to be stagnant and unmoving or unmotivated. But, when big, eppic changes occur, we freak out! Change can be scary it's true. It's the unfamiliar that haunts us. The "what if" scenarios that keep us unmoving like water with no where to go. With no outlet, water becomes unclean and full of algae until the algae kills off all the other things in the water and takes up all the space so much that it even kills itself off. Do we want our lives and our nation to become like a stagnant pond slowly choking the life out of itself? I have no desire to see that happen.
People who were born in the last two centuries have not seen war or conflict on United States soil. We've been attacked surely, and those were hard situations and tragic ones as well. But they were short lived and soon forgotten within the woes and materialistic values that we have come to thrive on. We are soft and spoiled as a country. More so those of us whose ancesters were born here and the voices telling stories of hardship and attrocities of man have faded beyond the whisper to silence. They are faces without tales and so a part of us is lost because we would not listen because we felt we did not have the time.
Selfish of us really. Such a large part of being human is knowing what it is to not be human. It is when we do not know or understand what a monster is that we fail to understand that humans have been and still can be the monster that makes small children afraid at night. They should not fear that which could harm them that is fantasy, they should fear that which is real and has a face that is not grotesque but looks just like everyone elses.
Everyone is different. Yes, that is true and not. Every human has a monster within. It breathes with us, eats with us, and sleeps with us. Beware the day that it wakes within you. Learn that monster within so you know how to keep it slumbering. We are all capable of great evil or great good. Pray that you stay different. Pray that you stay true to you and allow nothing to take hold of you. Different is good. Variety is good and keeps up healthy and strong. Change is good. Do not fear different or change, but be like a river that changes its course. It had to change and it is a force to be reckoned with because of the way it is constantly changing.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Are all systems go yet?
Waiting. I don't know a single person who likes to wait especially when it's something that is very important to you. There is some random statistic out there that says that most people spend X% of their lives waiting. I probably don't have it right at all, but you get the idea. Waiting is hard and humbling.
It makes me really think hard about how our lives are totally wrapped up in instant gratification. Deep thoughts for sure, but hence the humbling aspect of them. As much as I dislike waiting for things, I dislike it even more to know that I am selfish because I don't wait for them. Hmm...
The problem is that I don't know what I'm waiting for. It's like that U2 song "...but I still haven't found what I'm looking for." Just like that. I felt that there is a reason why I came out to Idaho and there is a reason why I lost my job. And there still is a reason why I am still here rather than somewhere else. I just don't know what it all means just yet or what I'm meant to learn or experience here. Maybe I'm just too close to the picture to see what's really going on. Anyone else want to take a crack at interpreting the big picture?
I was at bible study tonight and the topics were full of learning. There were a few things that really took root in me though. One was that fear and discouragement are not from God. Wow. So, this idea that of not knowing and being scared and tired and discouraged about this is not of God. Good to know. The second big thing was that unity and uniformity are not the same thing. Well, instinctively we know that, however it is another to put it into practice.
I got a job offer for a camp in the San Juan Islands today and they offerred me more money that had been originally discussed in the interview. That was great. The position doesn't start until March. I'm trying to figure out what to do until then. Maybe I'll just stay here. Not sure yet because there are a lot of things that are still really up in the air right now. It's the planner side of me that is freaking out a little bit on that one. But, it's late and I have to get up for work in the morning.
It makes me really think hard about how our lives are totally wrapped up in instant gratification. Deep thoughts for sure, but hence the humbling aspect of them. As much as I dislike waiting for things, I dislike it even more to know that I am selfish because I don't wait for them. Hmm...
The problem is that I don't know what I'm waiting for. It's like that U2 song "...but I still haven't found what I'm looking for." Just like that. I felt that there is a reason why I came out to Idaho and there is a reason why I lost my job. And there still is a reason why I am still here rather than somewhere else. I just don't know what it all means just yet or what I'm meant to learn or experience here. Maybe I'm just too close to the picture to see what's really going on. Anyone else want to take a crack at interpreting the big picture?
I was at bible study tonight and the topics were full of learning. There were a few things that really took root in me though. One was that fear and discouragement are not from God. Wow. So, this idea that of not knowing and being scared and tired and discouraged about this is not of God. Good to know. The second big thing was that unity and uniformity are not the same thing. Well, instinctively we know that, however it is another to put it into practice.
I got a job offer for a camp in the San Juan Islands today and they offerred me more money that had been originally discussed in the interview. That was great. The position doesn't start until March. I'm trying to figure out what to do until then. Maybe I'll just stay here. Not sure yet because there are a lot of things that are still really up in the air right now. It's the planner side of me that is freaking out a little bit on that one. But, it's late and I have to get up for work in the morning.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Rings and Hot Springs

So, originally I had planned to go to Banff with friends from Halloween weekend to this past weekend. That didn't work out like I had hoped, however I did have a fantastic weekend regardless.
Ginger told me that Pete had proposed (yeah!) and she still has a few weeks working fire crew. I took a few extra days off and I went on an adventure into the mountains. I went to Lolo Pass and camped out. It was snowing! It was beautiful and yet made me fully aware of how I really need to buy some chains for Eleanor and soon! Driving in the snow in the mountains without them is not a very good idea!
I drove along the scenic highway 12 all the way up to Lolo Pass. It was beautiful driving along the clearwater and the lochsa rivers. The western larch (or tamarack as they are sometimes called) were starting to loose their needles, but most of them still looked like they had been touched by king midas' hand they were so golden! Even in the fading daylight they glowed.
I made it up the road only to discover that unlike lower down, the campgrounds were not open at all. So it is dark now and starting to snow and I don't really have a place to crash for the night. I ended up driving up the whole way to the pass and parked in the rest area/visitor's center parking lot and camping out in Eleanor. She's a trooper that car. Nothing against GG, but GG couldn't have made it here in the mountains. She's more for the open spaces of the prairie.
It was great sleeping in Eleanor and I even had heated bathrooms at my disposal! Not bad for living free out of your car! I slept well and awoke to rain patterning the windows. I was still out of batteries for my camera and running a little low on gas, so I decided to forego some serious expeditioning in the woods that were wet, snowy, and dreary. It would have been nice to explore there more, but I have a feeling that I'm going to go back there for some serious snowshoeing later this winter. Yes!
Eventually I made it into the ranger station where Ginger is staying. We ate dinner, talked a lot, watched a movie with Rock and went to sleep. The next day we slowly made our way out of bed and made breakfast while we thought about what we'd like to do for the day. Bouldering and hot springs won out so off to this sweet bouldering area between whitehall and butte. So neat! There were boulders everywhere! I'd like to just camp there for a few days and play around on the rocks! It was damp, but the rain held off until the end of the day which was great. Then we drove to this hot spring next to a river on our way back and it was a little too hot, but we hung out there for a bit and then started to make our journey back to the ranger station. We both were pretty tired but we made some dinner of kettle popped pop corn and talked some more. One of my favorite things about hanging out with Ginger is the fact that we could physically do absolutely nothing for a whole weekend and just talk, and it would still be the perfect weekend together. I always love our time together.
So, but not everything about the weekend was wonderful. After being around people who have been sick for the last three weeks, I knew it was bound to happen to me as well. Sure enough, I have a cold. I stayed home from work yesterday, and went in for half a day today. I was cold and tired, so I was ready to come home. I am going to shoot for a full day tomorrow though. I did go to bible study tonight though and it was fantastic! Thank goodness I found one with people that I really do enjoy. I feel like I'm starting to settle in here at last. I'm excited, and yet worry about what is coming next. I know I shouldn't worry, but I do. Anwyay, I need sleep to get well. I'll post pictures another time.
Dream sweetly all!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
God is in the Rain
I feel that even though rain is cold and damp and generally makes you want to stay indoors and do absolutely nothing, I love it. It also make colors stand out more. The leaves are doing incredible things with colors right now. The Mountain Ash trees are this orange/red color and the Sugar Maples are brilliant yellow against their dark wet bark and the gray color of the sky. Contrasts, that's why I like the rain. I also like the way it sounds on the roof of your house, your tent, or even pouring through gutters like little white-water rivers along the streets. I love walking in the rain feeling the drops hitting my head and my face as I go on whatever journey I'm bent on that day. Rain is good. It feeds the earth and sooths my soul.
It's raining today in case you haven't guessed. It rained yesterday too. It was extremely refreshing. I was told by an aquaintence that so enters the rainy season here in Moscow. I had no idea that there was any such thing! I only thought it was part of winter finally coming. I've been looking forward to some winter action and some snow. Many people here don't like snow which I find really ironic. It's just like people in Duluth not likeing snow. MOVE!
It doesn't make sense to me for people to not like an essential part of their community's ecosystem and natural cycle. If you don't like it, move! There's no reason to nay-say on my winter wonderland thank you very much! I love winter! Bring on the 5 ft of snow in one day! I have snowshoes and can get around just fine. In fact, I relish in the challenge and adventure of it all! Grass is always greener and all that though.
I have a job offer for an outdoor science school in southern California. I'm not sure about it just yet. There are things that I like about it, but I find myself feeling slightly squeamish about moving even further away from people I care about and I know. Seems odd for me to say so, but it takes a lot of you to build friends and relationships within a brand new community and it takes time. Time to make those connections and time to allow them to grow. I feel that if I leave for something that I'm not 100% on, that I'm running away from the thing I've started here.
I also know that I like Moscow, but I don't believe that I'll live here for very long. I don't know how else to explain it other than I don't feel a connection here that I have to other places that I've been. Only time will tell though.
It's raining today in case you haven't guessed. It rained yesterday too. It was extremely refreshing. I was told by an aquaintence that so enters the rainy season here in Moscow. I had no idea that there was any such thing! I only thought it was part of winter finally coming. I've been looking forward to some winter action and some snow. Many people here don't like snow which I find really ironic. It's just like people in Duluth not likeing snow. MOVE!
It doesn't make sense to me for people to not like an essential part of their community's ecosystem and natural cycle. If you don't like it, move! There's no reason to nay-say on my winter wonderland thank you very much! I love winter! Bring on the 5 ft of snow in one day! I have snowshoes and can get around just fine. In fact, I relish in the challenge and adventure of it all! Grass is always greener and all that though.
I have a job offer for an outdoor science school in southern California. I'm not sure about it just yet. There are things that I like about it, but I find myself feeling slightly squeamish about moving even further away from people I care about and I know. Seems odd for me to say so, but it takes a lot of you to build friends and relationships within a brand new community and it takes time. Time to make those connections and time to allow them to grow. I feel that if I leave for something that I'm not 100% on, that I'm running away from the thing I've started here.
I also know that I like Moscow, but I don't believe that I'll live here for very long. I don't know how else to explain it other than I don't feel a connection here that I have to other places that I've been. Only time will tell though.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Food stamps rock my world!
I just got my food stamps and I am so thankful that I have them! I can shop at the co-op with them! Yahoo!
It's a new month full of new possibilities. Who knows what will happen?
I went to visit Ginger in the Big Hole Valley of Montana where she has been stationed on a fire crew for the summer. It's a sweet place. It's very rural in the sense that the cattle out numer the people by 10:1 odds. So, it's quiet in both good and sometimes not so good ways depending on how you look at it.
It was great to just hang out the two of us and it was a much needed respite from life for me. We visited the National Battlefield there and I talked to some of the rangers there to get a feel for the area and what they thought of the job since I've applied for one there among others. I did get a job here in town and they want to hire me full time which is good. I am torn though if I should stay here or take the opportunities that may arise with all the other jobs that I've applied for.
We'll see I guess. In the meantime though, I've been reading alot. Those of you who really liked the Eragon books, the new one is out and I'm about half way through it and it is fantastic so far! I highly recommend it. I also have been baking bread and making good squash recipies. Yum!
Not a whole lot going on otherwise. Just doing what I can to keep my head above water for now and hoping and praying that something will come my way to stand on for a while. Oh the life of a brand new working girl fresh from the college campus!
It's a new month full of new possibilities. Who knows what will happen?
I went to visit Ginger in the Big Hole Valley of Montana where she has been stationed on a fire crew for the summer. It's a sweet place. It's very rural in the sense that the cattle out numer the people by 10:1 odds. So, it's quiet in both good and sometimes not so good ways depending on how you look at it.
It was great to just hang out the two of us and it was a much needed respite from life for me. We visited the National Battlefield there and I talked to some of the rangers there to get a feel for the area and what they thought of the job since I've applied for one there among others. I did get a job here in town and they want to hire me full time which is good. I am torn though if I should stay here or take the opportunities that may arise with all the other jobs that I've applied for.
We'll see I guess. In the meantime though, I've been reading alot. Those of you who really liked the Eragon books, the new one is out and I'm about half way through it and it is fantastic so far! I highly recommend it. I also have been baking bread and making good squash recipies. Yum!
Not a whole lot going on otherwise. Just doing what I can to keep my head above water for now and hoping and praying that something will come my way to stand on for a while. Oh the life of a brand new working girl fresh from the college campus!
Friday, September 12, 2008
There's silver somewhere....sometimes I can't find it.
So, it's been awhile since blogging last happened. It's rough when you're blocked from a website on a government computer and you don't really have another option. Oh well. Those of you who know what's been going on in my life...well, you know it! Those of you who don't...shame on you for not asking! Ha, just kidding.
So, this summer was amazing. More than amazing, it was peaceful and full of serenity and lots of ponderings and journal entries. No, I refuse to post my journal entries on the internet. A girl has some boundries and that is one of them!
Anyway, I graduated finally and went to Isle Royale for one of the best summers in living memory. I enjoyed it thoroughly. You can really see and start to understand yourself when you gaze at your reflection in the clear blue waters of Lake Superior. She inspires a lot in humans.
So, I left Isle Royale to move to northern Idaho for an americorps job. I was so excited to work at this place doing environmental education for a whole year and meeting new people, seeing a new place of the world that I have never experienced. My mom and I road tripped out here to see and move me in. We had a wonderful time and I would never trade that time with her for anything in the world. Even knowing what would come after, I would not have wanted to do anything different.
I have met some really amazing and generous people here. They are very friendly and giving of themselves which is a fantastic jewel to find among so much wheat. Yes, wheat. There are fields of it everywhere and it is beautiful against the saphire hue of the sky during the day. Ah such colors!
Well, an unexpected road block came up this week in which this amazing position that I accepted to take, I actually can't do it anymore. Nothing serious with me, other than due to me doing the other two jobs the past summers that I asked for an americorps award, well, I'm not allowed to do another one.
You can only imagine how sad, upset, and scared I was at that moment just praying that somehow this was all a huge misunderstanding and that there was some way possible that I could still do this work, but not have the education award or something. Anything other than the knowing that I moved two time zones away from family and friends for a job that I aparently don't have anymore.
I felt like someone had taken my legs out from underneath me and I was just sitting in a mud puddle on my butt wondering what happened and how I fell so hard and fast. Not exactly a great week for me. There was a lot of crying. I mean A LOT of crying and some hyperventillation that occured which perhaps were both the result of shock and minor panic attacks. Not entirely uncommon when such things happen out of the blue like this.
So, like I said, everyone has been just amazing considering all this happened. They were amazing before, but are still just as amazing right now. I think that's why I feel so torn as to whether I should move and try a new place, but yet, I really would like to stay here because I have forged some great friendships over such a short time and I really hesistate to loose those so soon.
That and the director of the EE place called the mayor of the city on my behalf to ask if there were any jobs that she knew of. The mayor. Someone called the mayor for me. How cool is that? I mean, I'd rather it be under different circumstances, however I feel just blessed regardless to be surrounded by such amazing people who are willing to help out an almost stranger in a bad position. There are such good people in this world and it would be a good idea to remind myself that it doesn't cost anything to me to help someone else out who is in need.
Anyway, I've been on resume booster kicks to get my resumes up to date so that I can apply for some jobs that can help me get where I think that I'd like to be professionally rather than working odd jobs. However, if odd jobs are where it will have to be for a while, then so be it. I don't mind just as long as I don't have to do them for very long just because I get really antsy and end up getting kind of cranky sometimes if I do them for too long.
Well, I think that I'm going to go rock climbing tomorrow with some friends I've met here. I haven't decided yet, but I'm pretty sure I want to go. I've been too house bound lately, but at the same time, I'm not exactly sure if I want to be around people right now. I know it will be better if I am and that I'll have fun, but just the hermit side of me is kind of ruling right now and just wanting to be alone with my thoughts and my journal. Oh well, I'll decide tomorrow morning.
Cheers all,
So, this summer was amazing. More than amazing, it was peaceful and full of serenity and lots of ponderings and journal entries. No, I refuse to post my journal entries on the internet. A girl has some boundries and that is one of them!
Anyway, I graduated finally and went to Isle Royale for one of the best summers in living memory. I enjoyed it thoroughly. You can really see and start to understand yourself when you gaze at your reflection in the clear blue waters of Lake Superior. She inspires a lot in humans.
So, I left Isle Royale to move to northern Idaho for an americorps job. I was so excited to work at this place doing environmental education for a whole year and meeting new people, seeing a new place of the world that I have never experienced. My mom and I road tripped out here to see and move me in. We had a wonderful time and I would never trade that time with her for anything in the world. Even knowing what would come after, I would not have wanted to do anything different.
I have met some really amazing and generous people here. They are very friendly and giving of themselves which is a fantastic jewel to find among so much wheat. Yes, wheat. There are fields of it everywhere and it is beautiful against the saphire hue of the sky during the day. Ah such colors!
Well, an unexpected road block came up this week in which this amazing position that I accepted to take, I actually can't do it anymore. Nothing serious with me, other than due to me doing the other two jobs the past summers that I asked for an americorps award, well, I'm not allowed to do another one.
You can only imagine how sad, upset, and scared I was at that moment just praying that somehow this was all a huge misunderstanding and that there was some way possible that I could still do this work, but not have the education award or something. Anything other than the knowing that I moved two time zones away from family and friends for a job that I aparently don't have anymore.
I felt like someone had taken my legs out from underneath me and I was just sitting in a mud puddle on my butt wondering what happened and how I fell so hard and fast. Not exactly a great week for me. There was a lot of crying. I mean A LOT of crying and some hyperventillation that occured which perhaps were both the result of shock and minor panic attacks. Not entirely uncommon when such things happen out of the blue like this.
So, like I said, everyone has been just amazing considering all this happened. They were amazing before, but are still just as amazing right now. I think that's why I feel so torn as to whether I should move and try a new place, but yet, I really would like to stay here because I have forged some great friendships over such a short time and I really hesistate to loose those so soon.
That and the director of the EE place called the mayor of the city on my behalf to ask if there were any jobs that she knew of. The mayor. Someone called the mayor for me. How cool is that? I mean, I'd rather it be under different circumstances, however I feel just blessed regardless to be surrounded by such amazing people who are willing to help out an almost stranger in a bad position. There are such good people in this world and it would be a good idea to remind myself that it doesn't cost anything to me to help someone else out who is in need.
Anyway, I've been on resume booster kicks to get my resumes up to date so that I can apply for some jobs that can help me get where I think that I'd like to be professionally rather than working odd jobs. However, if odd jobs are where it will have to be for a while, then so be it. I don't mind just as long as I don't have to do them for very long just because I get really antsy and end up getting kind of cranky sometimes if I do them for too long.
Well, I think that I'm going to go rock climbing tomorrow with some friends I've met here. I haven't decided yet, but I'm pretty sure I want to go. I've been too house bound lately, but at the same time, I'm not exactly sure if I want to be around people right now. I know it will be better if I am and that I'll have fun, but just the hermit side of me is kind of ruling right now and just wanting to be alone with my thoughts and my journal. Oh well, I'll decide tomorrow morning.
Cheers all,
Friday, April 11, 2008
Blizzard Adventures Take 2!

Yep, that's right everyone! There was a blizzard in Duluth today! It started last night at around 10 pm or so and went straight into today. Thunder, lightning, snow, 60 mph winds the works! It has started to dwindle now but I can still see ominous looking clouds over the great big snow machine called Lake Superior. I didn't walk down to the Lakewalk like I had orignally planned. The friend I was going to hike down there with got sick. Which means in her world, her body finally was making her slow down enough to rest! Gee, I've never done that ;-).
So, instead of seeing the epic waves that were crashing madly against the rocks today, I filled the day with other adventures. Such as the power went out so me and my roomate Bill proceeded to cook our brunch-ish meal over a campstove on top of our stove. It was magical! Then my other roomate had to venture up the hill to pick up her boyfriend who got stuck up at Home Depot where he works. Don't ask me to tell the story, you'll just have to ask her about it.

Then Bill and I started to build a quinzee. For those of you who have no idea what this marvelous piece of heaven is, it is a pile of snow that is dug out to be able to live, sleep, play cards, whatever in. So, while we were doing that, we shoveled the side walks and the stairs while the snow for our quinzee was settling. We ended up finding the ONE pizza place that was open and delivering still and ordered a couple. Such bliss! Then after pizza, beer, and a mid afternoon movie, we suited up and went back out to dig out the quinzee. We're almost done, but both Bill and I an were really tired and it is almost cleared out. We'll finish it tomorrow and sleep outside in it tomorrow night. What a wonderful day! Such adventures should be had every day!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The Archipelago Awaits

I bet you didn't know that Isle Royale is an Archipelago. It is one main island with lots of little islands all around it. Kind of neat. Yes, I am going to be at Isle Royale this summer! Yeah! I am excited for it and yet the choices seem to find me yet. The day I decided to go to Isle Royale, I recieved two more calls to set up interviews! One from Grand Teton and the other from the Raptor Center in St. Paul! Crazy!
Another thing that's crazy is the fact that there is only about four more weeks in the semester and then I am done. Whoa. I just re-read that sentence and somehow can't believe it just yet. I will be done with college. Have a degree and away I go! I haven't quite wrapped my head around that just yet! I'm excited to say the least!
I am also excited because a lot of old and new friends will be in the area (aka aroundish Duluth) this summer. I am looking forward to being able to get off the island once or twice to hang out with them! Some of them I haven't seen for a very long time so I am looking forward to being able to at least spend a little bit of time with them.

I also know that an old classmate will also be at Isle Royale this summer which is cool because it means that I already know someone there and like to hang out with them. That will be nice too. Lots to look forward to, but I can't get too far ahead of myself. I have still got quite a plate full of school to do before I even get to that. Hope everyone is well and I'll write again soon.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Space Between

Waiting. No one likes it. Yet, we all seem to do more of it than we would care to admit. I have been trying to be patient with trying to figure out what's coming my way in the next few months. I am feeling antsy and very, very tired of waiting. I know that most people would tell me, "Oh, you'll be fine. You just have senioritis."
Ok, so I know after a semester of EMT training and 9 days of Wilderness First Responder certification doesn't make me a doctor or anything. However, I'm fairly confident that senioritis isn't a disease that can be diagnosed. I know that people are just trying to be helpful, but honestly, it really isn't making me feel that much more patient. In fact, it will make me feel just the exact opposite of patient.
*Sigh* I feel like it has just been a really long month of March and I just want to be done with it and I really, really want a day to myself or to just relax and hang out with friends or something! I think that I need to get out and go camping or something. This is not senioritis because it doesn't exsist. What I do have is a mild case of cabin fever which is in fact a medical/psychological condition.
Spring break was busy with the WFR course and all. It was fun, but a lot of work. It brought to mind a lot of things that I had put on hold that were-and still are-really important to me. A lot of goals that I realize that I still do want to pursue. Like getting my EMT. I think that I want to pursue that in a wilderness medical kind of situation. I'd love to be on ski patrol, but I'm not sure if they take snowboarders. So, I may have to re-learn how to ski again and perhaps spend some money to purchase my own equipment. Blah! I don't like the thought of that. Ski equipment is way more expensive than snowboard equipment.
Anyway, this is just a early evening rant of frustration about not knowing what's going on in the future and not being able to do anything other than wait for it to find me at this point. If only things were as black and white as my pictures...

Friday, March 14, 2008
The sounds of silence

I played hookie from classes this past Tuesday. Before you say it, I only had one class at 2 pm and the professor teaches verbadum from the book. So, I got to sleep in instead of my usual 6 am pre-light wake up morning and boy it felt good. Daylight savings time really messes with your circadium rhythms! Anyway, I drove up to Two Harbors and gave the folks at Granite Gear back some stuff that they had sent down to sell at the gear swap last weekend. It was really nice to see them again. I know if I ever have an opportunity, I will work for them again.
After that, I went up to Gooseberry Falls State Park for a hike, some birding (for class), and to take some pictures. It was 40 degrees, sunny with a few clouds in the sky, and the sky as blue as the back of a mountain bluebird. Needless to say, I couldn't have picked a better day to play hookie. There were a few other people around, but otherwise the air was full of the sounds of chickadees, nuthatches, and little red pine squirrels marking out their territory and of course guarding it viggorously with chattering galore. I don't have a lot of fondness for this little critters because they are simply one of the most obnoctious critters that I have had contact with. They never are quiet!

That's when I noticed the quietness. If you know where Gooseberry is located, you'll know that hwy 61 runs right over the falls and the river. I can't express my disappointment and slight anger that my beautiful and quiet place kept getting sliced through by various semis and other vehicles plowing over that bridge. It was being slapped in the back of the head every time one drove by. It was a horrible addition to an otherwise perfect day.
I tried to get as far and deep into the woods so that I wouldn't be able to hear the roar anymore, but it was always there. It also got me to thinking about silence. Humans generally can't stand quiet. Most anyway. I mean, what on earth is so wrong with silence? Do we have to keep moving and keep making noise to prove that we exsist or something? The though is ludicrous! And yet, there I stood in a beautiful natural area straining to hear the roar of the waterfalls under the ice over the roar of cars.

It also made me wonder if there are any such quiet places left in this world? With high flying jets, planes, cars, snowmobiles, etc. going through large areas of quiet and wilderness, is it truely and timelessly quiet in those areas anymore? My fear is the answer is no.
The human race fights for many things; resources, basic rights, religion, against wars, for wars. But, we are not fighting for something that many of us don't realize has been stolen from us. We don't fight for the natural silences that are the essence of life. Those silences are not the abnormal quiets we think them to be, but the essence of our understanding of time and place. So, I beg you know if you are reading this, go find some silence. If you, like me find that you are unable to find true silence, speak out against the noise!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
It's the journey, not the destination

That being said, this weekend I took my Level Two Snowboard Certification Exam. It wasn't exactly how I hoped it would be. It was very intense. I think that my EMT certification process was less intense for me and that's the only thing that I can reasonably compare it to. You are judged on every word you say, how you say it, and how it relates to the topic at hand. Your body movements while snowboarding are scrutinized so much that at some points you feel a lot like an amature model must feel when they are showing off their bodies in the hopes that the person looking at you likes what they see. I'm not saying that snowboarding is like modeling, but it most certainly is the farthest thing from it.
However, the testing situation is tense. The people who are testing with you, you're not sure if you're being helped or helping them, or if you are in a state of competition with them. I know that ultimately the goal of the exam is not to make the candidates feel naked, scrutinized, nor in competition, but that's what it felt like for me. I don't think that I have experienced a more emotionally and physically trying weekend in a very, very long time. Needless to say, I did not pass this exam. At the same time though I can't express in words how wonderful it was to go to race league at the hill last night and just drink with my co-workers, who have been so supportive, and to just relax and let all the tension just melt away like the ice on the sidewalks.
I hate failing. I don't typically use that word "hate" becuse it implies loathing and a deeper emotion than plain old "dislike". But I truely do hate failing because it just makes you doubt yourself in ways that you should never have to do. I know it's a very humbling experience and humbling oneself is always a good idea. However failing at something, at least for me implies that I lack the necessary skill to achieve and to progress at whatever I am attempting to accomplish. I know that I cannot be fantastic at everything and also that many directions that are worth taking are not going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination.
So, the journey on this path has come to a temporary road block that I will need to re-trace my steps back to the beginning and start over. Completely over so that I can get back on the right road to reach my desired destination. That doesn't mean that the lessons learned nor the people I met on this journey were not worth the meeting or the learning. I just know that the other paths and journeys that I take to reach the destination will come with even more in the future.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
School, Snowboarding, and Sigurd Olson
You know, birding in the middle of winter can be a trial. A trial for your body, a trial for your patience, and a trial for your perserverence of them all. Some days are super duper cold and windy and it makes you wonder how the hell our ancestors managed without such things as heat inside a house or a stove to quick make some hot cocoa, or for that matter hot cocoa! I went up to the Sax-Zim bog area which is a super sweet birding area in Minnesota and is one of the most reliable places that you can see some cool birds like Great Grey Owls, Hawk Owls, and Snow Buntings. I didn't get to see the owls, but I did get to see the snow buntings and that was neat. I know, I'm a bird nerd, but I love it!
I actually just had a test this morning in ornithology (study of bird biology for those that don't know) and it was the first one that we've had all semester. It was hard! I mean, I studied really well and there were things on there that I had no clue what to put for an answer. Thank goodness it was essay and short answer. Perhaps I'll do ok then. If it had been multiple choice, I would've been screwed.
My classes are going well though. I am super busy this week though with midterms, homework, projects, and my snowboard level 2 exam this weekend. I have been studying for that since December off and on, but I am still nervous for it. I guess it would be bad if I wasn't nervous for it. It's just I have a lot riding on passing so much so that failing is not an option. Not to mention that I would be extremely disappointed in myself if I didn't pass.
I even have some tests next week so I can't really celebrate my birthday either next week. Or at least not like all out celebrate. I am thinking something really laid back like bowling or board games for the evening. So for those of you looking to get me a gift for my birthday, oh, you know about 20" of fresh snow would be well recieved. :-)
I still haven't heard anything more about Isle Royale this week. I'm kinda getting antsy about it because I want to get the application and such done soon so that I can for sure get a position there. It would be sweet to be a paid staff, but if that doesn't work out, then an SCA position would be ok too. I still think it's kind of surreal that they have to have groceries brought by boat for staff. I think that will take some time getting used to. But, have to do some more cleaning and studying for my level 2. So, if you could, think wonderful, positive, encouraging thoughts in my direction on Saturday and Sunday. I'd appreciate it.
I actually just had a test this morning in ornithology (study of bird biology for those that don't know) and it was the first one that we've had all semester. It was hard! I mean, I studied really well and there were things on there that I had no clue what to put for an answer. Thank goodness it was essay and short answer. Perhaps I'll do ok then. If it had been multiple choice, I would've been screwed.
My classes are going well though. I am super busy this week though with midterms, homework, projects, and my snowboard level 2 exam this weekend. I have been studying for that since December off and on, but I am still nervous for it. I guess it would be bad if I wasn't nervous for it. It's just I have a lot riding on passing so much so that failing is not an option. Not to mention that I would be extremely disappointed in myself if I didn't pass.
I even have some tests next week so I can't really celebrate my birthday either next week. Or at least not like all out celebrate. I am thinking something really laid back like bowling or board games for the evening. So for those of you looking to get me a gift for my birthday, oh, you know about 20" of fresh snow would be well recieved. :-)
I still haven't heard anything more about Isle Royale this week. I'm kinda getting antsy about it because I want to get the application and such done soon so that I can for sure get a position there. It would be sweet to be a paid staff, but if that doesn't work out, then an SCA position would be ok too. I still think it's kind of surreal that they have to have groceries brought by boat for staff. I think that will take some time getting used to. But, have to do some more cleaning and studying for my level 2. So, if you could, think wonderful, positive, encouraging thoughts in my direction on Saturday and Sunday. I'd appreciate it.
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